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477’s Kawai R-100 Project

477’s Kawai R-100 Project

September 23rd, 2012  |  Published in Kawai R-100

Some weeks or months or years ago 477 contacted me with questions about bending his R-100. He recently finished the project and the result is gorgeous. He installed the U24 and U40 bends opting for a built-in patchbay as opposed to a breakout box or toggles. All 12 pins of U40 are patchable. 477 (aka circuitbender) happens to create some of the sickest tracks I’ve heard in a long time as well. Can’t wait to hear what he does with his glitchy rasta rainbow R-100.

Here’s the documentation he sent me:

rom switcher (like yours) being removed; (soldered the U24 points to the underside of it)

testing out the U24 bends, machine was all garbled, display whacked out, all 25 points were grounding out, id seen conductive paint before but its been silver, the shit sprayed inside here is brown/gray. lucky the roms+pcb are/were all ok. re-stalled everything and fixed some shit id busted along the way.

its a bit tighter in there now with more NON-rainbow ribbon cable folding in on itself.

she come good after those resets. rub a dubbin dirty gutter glitch cut above the rest;

and when you take those U40 bends straight to ouput; the dirty rasta skankyness never known before spews filthy glitch covered rainbow ribbon garble noises.. the core of every good sound excursion. thanks josh.

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